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The India Point Ashwinders kicked off their season this past Sunday against Clark University Quidditch at General Foley Stadium in torrential conditions.  The two sides were well matched and in tight contests for most of the day.  When all was said and done, Clark bested IPA more often than not and IPA's record after the first week is 1-2.


The first game was a fairly wide open affair with both teams finding room to maneuever in the opposition's zone.  As was the case for much of the day, Clark's patience was effective, enabling them to find unguarded Chasers behind the hoops.  On the other hand, the Ashwinders made Clark pay for overaggressive Beater play by moving the ball deep upfield in transition, especially late in the game.  IPA may have been close to putting the game out of range in this fashion.  Chaser Derik Wagner noted a lack of Bludgers in the Clark zone after fellow Keeper Jeremy Work recovered the Quaffle and saw a lot of green on the right side of the field.  Wagner streaked into the open space and Work, seeing the situation, hit him with a beautiful pass behind the hoops for an easy goal.  The stellar play would have put IPA up by 20 if Seeker Jeff Blum had not caught the Snitch just a second before for a final score of 90*-50 IPA.












The second match went quite differently for India Point.  Clark tightened up their play in their own zone and IPA had a difficult time making a clean entry.  Meanwhile, the Ashwinders didn't make the same defensive adjustments and Clark took advantage just as in Game 1.  When the Snitch came back, the score was 40-10.  Work switched to Seeker which exacerbated the situation in the defensive zone in the form of several turnovers.  On the other side, the Ashwinders found a little more space in the offensive zone and looked to have several quality scoring opportunities. However, Clark Beater Desiree Jerome, who came back from an injury suffered earlier in the game, was incredibly effective at stifling those chances.  Clark went up 60 before their Seeker finished off the game, 100*-10 Clark.


The final game was another great showdown.  This time, both clubs shored up their defensive game which spurred an intense contest throughout in which Bludger control changed hands several times.  India Point and Clark scrapped the duration of the game and gave up very few opportunities.  The few that were given up were glorious opportunities that were taken advantage of swiftly. One of IPA's was an opportunity where Wagner had the ball behind the net and a chance to shoot knowing Work was right in the area as well.  Wagner missed but Work deftly corralled the fly ball and dropped it in.  Even with Beaters getting attracted to the Snitch for some time both teams held up in their own end.  The game was only 30-30 after Wagner went Coast-to-Coast through the entire Clark defense for a drop-in (see pictures below).  It was for naught, however, for Clark took the Snitch just a minute later for a 60*-30 win.


While they wanted to come away with more than one win, IPA was in Snitch range for 90% of the day with a short bench.  Monica Chin, Tyler Poole, and David Reich showed ample toughness in their first action in an Ashwinder uniform.  Chin stepped onto the field and fit in right away, due in part to her experience playing field hockey and lacrosse.  Rookie Chaser Leah Jones showed improvement in the span of just one week, reading plays and playing around the ball more.  As more of their recruiting class gets in game action, the more India Point becomes confident that they will put together a scary good team in the coming weeks and months.


A specific area of improvement for India Point Sunday was physicality.  IPA may have had their most tackles in one day than in any other in their history.  Wagner all of a sudden showed up in a big way in this department with about a half dozen tackles.  Poole also had a noticeable will to charge the opponent, something this team hasn't seen a lot of and will make everyone better.  


The India Point Ashwinders and SNEQC have a bye week this week.  Next Sunday, IPA will host Smith College Quidditch at the India Point Park Soccer Fields at 12 PM.


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